Thursday, October 30, 2008

Protecting our votes

There has already been a steady stream of actions in various parts of our nation to suppress voting turnout through some clearly illegal actions, using intimidation and false information. In some places letters have been distributed door to door or mailed saying that due to a higher than expected turnout that Democrats will be voting on Wednesday, November 5th, instead of Tuesday. This is false information designed to keep Democrats from voting. It behooves all of us to be informed. You and I might be clear about our rights as voters, but we may run into others who are not. So, I encourage all to review the following:

For some good basic information: and

For anyone who is turned away from voting for whatever reason (and do not accept those reasons as valid just because someone official-looking says so), here are a number of hotlines:

National Voter Assistance Hotline:
1-(866) Our-Vote / 1-(866) 687-8683 for English and EspaƱol

The ACLU hotline number is (804) 644-8080.

The NAACP number is (804) 321-5678.

SEIU Voter Hotline: 1-877-SEIU-VOTE (1-877-734-88683 ... yes, an extra digit).

Common Cause Voter Hotline: 1-866-MY-VOTE (1-866-698-6831).

Velvet Revolution Voter Hotline: 1-888-VOTE-TIP (1-888-868-3847) .

DNC Voter Hotline: 1-888-Dem-Vote (1-888-336-8683).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just discovered your blog and I am reading this after the election. This is a good public service. Thank you.