Thursday, October 30, 2008

Protecting our votes

There has already been a steady stream of actions in various parts of our nation to suppress voting turnout through some clearly illegal actions, using intimidation and false information. In some places letters have been distributed door to door or mailed saying that due to a higher than expected turnout that Democrats will be voting on Wednesday, November 5th, instead of Tuesday. This is false information designed to keep Democrats from voting. It behooves all of us to be informed. You and I might be clear about our rights as voters, but we may run into others who are not. So, I encourage all to review the following:

For some good basic information: and

For anyone who is turned away from voting for whatever reason (and do not accept those reasons as valid just because someone official-looking says so), here are a number of hotlines:

National Voter Assistance Hotline:
1-(866) Our-Vote / 1-(866) 687-8683 for English and EspaƱol

The ACLU hotline number is (804) 644-8080.

The NAACP number is (804) 321-5678.

SEIU Voter Hotline: 1-877-SEIU-VOTE (1-877-734-88683 ... yes, an extra digit).

Common Cause Voter Hotline: 1-866-MY-VOTE (1-866-698-6831).

Velvet Revolution Voter Hotline: 1-888-VOTE-TIP (1-888-868-3847) .

DNC Voter Hotline: 1-888-Dem-Vote (1-888-336-8683).

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Truth about ACORN?

I am not a member of ACORN nor a volunteer. I am sympathetic with their aim or organizing people who normally fall outside the mainstream ... people who are poor, minorities, feeling powerless, feeling like they have no voice. I abhor the GOP tactic of working to suppress voter turnout and participation, especially in minority areas. I have participated in petition drives and know that when the numbers are large some ridiculous things will happen. With ACORN's registration drive exceeding one million new voters it is not surprising that some mistakes will occur. The GOP spin on this is abhorrent. In defense of ACORN I repeat here their comments on this and the fact that Senator McCain was a supporter of ACORN in recent times.

"ACORN to McCain: Have You Lost That Loving Feeling?
October 13, 2008

Senator Allied with ACORN as Recently as 2006, Now Turns Cold Shoulder

October 13, 2008, Miami, FL - U.S. Senator John McCain's recent attacks on the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) are puzzling given his historic support for the organization and its efforts on behalf of immigrant Americans. As recently as February 20, 2006, Senator McCain was the keynote speaker at an ACORN-sponsored Immigration Rally in Miami, Florida at Miami Dade College – Wolfson Campus.

The rally, co-sponsored by ACORN in partnership with the New American Opportunity campaign (NAOC), Catholic League Services – Archdiocese of Miami, Florida Immigrant Advocacy Center, Florida Immigrant Coalition, Miami Dade College, People for the American Way/Mi Familia/Vota en Accion, the Service Employees International Union, and UNITE/HERE, was intended to call attention to the need for comprehensive immigration reform.

Senator McCain spoke at the rally attended by hundreds of ACORN members, most of whom were dressed in the red shirts typical of its members. Senator McCain's speech focused on the Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act, a bipartisan, comprehensive reform bill, which McCain sponsored with Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA).

Bertha Lewis, Chief Organizer of ACORN, said, "It has deeply saddened us to see Senator McCain abandon his historic support for ACORN and our efforts to support the goals of low-income Americans. Maybe it is out of desperation that Senator McCain has forgotten that he was for ACORN before he was against ACORN; he was for immigration reform before he was against immigration reform; and he was a maverick before he became erratic. We were thrilled to partner with him to help reform the outdated immigration laws in this country, and were pleased to work closely with him on this issue."

Lewis continued, "We expected Senator McCain to support our efforts to give voice to millions of Americans who have never participated in an election before. We are surprised at his efforts to vilify an organization that, until recently, he saw as an ally. Maybe this surprise attack and change of heart is indicative of his state of mind, and the way he would govern."

Senator McCain and his campaign have recently launched a series of coordinated attacks on ACORN, the nation’s largest community organization of low-and moderate-income families.

Ms. Lewis went on to say that, "We are sure that the extremists he is trying to get into a froth will be even more excited to learn that John McCain stood shoulder to shoulder with ACORN, at an ACORN co-sponsored event, to promote immigration reform."

Senator McCain was joined at the rally by Rep. Kendrick Meek (D-FL), Rep. Lincoln Diaz-Balart (R-FL), leaders from both political parties, immigrant communities, and members of labor, business, and religious organizations."[tt_news]=22386&tx_ttnews[backPid]=12387&cHash=5706e23a2f


Who benefits from their tax plans?

This is the last comparison that I have of the effects of the competing tax plans of Barack Obama and John McCain. Today (Oct. 14) McCain is going to release his new economic plan initiatives--so he says and that might affect his tax plans.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Guest Cartoonist: Matt Borrrris

I belong to a group of minds who seek to be as informed as we can be. We have some exceptional talent. This is from my friend Matt Borrrris.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

McCain & Palin are not pro-life

John McCain and Sarah Palin bill themselves as pro-life, but the truth is that they are not. They are anti-abortion and anti-choice. That much is true. In fact Palin wants no woman to have the choice over this important matter in any circumstance. But being anti-abortion and anti-choice does not equal being pro-life.

I am not Catholic, but I love the position of Catholics United. Here is what they have to say in their new flyer:

"The BEST way to combat abortion is to give women and families the tools they need to choose life.

Studies consistently show that when women and families have health care, jobs, education, and other essential supports they are less likely to have an abortion. In fact, more than three out of four women who obtain an abortion say that economic factors were a primary reason for doing so. Instead of helping struggling American families, our leaders have left them to fend for themselves.

Being pro-life is 1 percent talk, 99 percent ACTION.

Being pro-life is not just about what our elected leaders say they believe. It’s about the things they do. During the Clinton Administration, the U.S. abortion rate declined nearly 30 percent without enacting any legal prohibitions on abortion. Under President Bush, this decline stagnated. Even the appointment of two new Supreme Court justices was unsuccessful in making any meaningful progress toward building a culture of human life. For all its talk about being pro-life the Bush Administration hasn’t protected a single unborn child.

Pro-life means ALL human life - WITHOUT exceptions.

How can our leaders say they are pro-life, while starting unjustified wars, supporting torture, opposing expanded health care for children, cutting school lunch programs, and standing by as hard-working Americans lose their jobs and retirement protections? They can’t. To be pro-life is to answer a deep call to support and defend human life at all stages - from conception until death. It means caring for the unborn, for the children, for the less fortunate, and for all hard-working Americans.

Overturning Roe v. Wade will NOT end abortion in America.

All too often, what passes for an authentic pro-life agenda is a candidate’s stated opposition to the U.S. Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision. While legal protections for the unborn are an important part of a pro-life strategy, overturning Roe v. Wade would simply let states decide whether abortion should be legal or illegal. In a post-Roe America, only a handful of states would impose penalties on those who obtain or perform abortions, and women living in these states could still go elsewhere to get an abortion. Overturning Roe cannot be seen as a substitute for policies that can work RIGHT NOW to end abortion, namely supporting women and families."

For the flyer and more information from this organization, visit: