Friday, November 21, 2008

Faith and Public Life

I am a strong supporter of the separation of church and state. I oppose any effort towards establishing a theocracy here. I do not regard our nation as a Christian nation. I support the right of all to choose their faith or to aver they subscribe to none. Even more I look forward to the day when we can elect a non-Christian as president.

All that said, I do think that faith is an important and integral part of the private and public lives of our nation and its citizens. I have principles that come from my faith and guide (not dictate) me in the choices I make as a voter and as an activist. For more than two decades faith as a factor in how we engage ourselves in public life has been extremely one-sided, at least in public view and dialogue. For some years now there has been a growing groundswell of people of faith who do not share the one-sided views that have held the spotlight.

I want to encourage my readers to learn more about this growing dialogue and community. Please take a look at this web site:

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